Student Support

From tailored accessibility accommodations to personalized academic coaching, we ensure that every student has the tools to soar

three students use a study room in a residence hall

At Pitzer College, our strength blooms from our dedication to inclusivity and interconnectedness. 

You'll find a variety of affinity groups and clubs, study rooms, health & wellness workshops, accessibility accommodations, and academic coaching and LGTBQIA+ support. We've got the support services you'll need to have a positive, productive, and memorable during your time at Pitzer. 

a student studies in a skandera hall study nook

Find Support

three students sit in the atherton study room

Access & Success for Every Sagehen

Disabilities and learning differences are approached not as obstacles, but as opportunities to innovate and uplift our educational and inclusion practices. We're committed to an environment where you’re encouraged to express your full potential in an inclusive, accommodating setting. 

Accommodation Services
two students talk at a table in Scott courtyard

Find Your People

Whether you're looking to celebrate your culture, connect over shared interests, or ignite change on issues close to your heart, there's a space here just for you. 

Explore Belonging at Pitzer
two students pose in back of a pride flag

LGBTQIA+ Support Within a Culture of Respect

Our LGBTQIA+ support system is as vibrant as the community it serves, offering safe spaces, resources, and an umbrella of respect and acceptance.

Explore LGBTQIA+ Support Services
two students do sun salutations on the roof of East Hall

Embrace Wellness

Wellness is a way of life rooted in mindfulness and care for ourselves, each other, and our planet. Our mental health & wellness progams are designed to support your emotional well-being and inspire a balanced lifestyle so you can achieve your goals. 

Explore Health & Mental Wellness